For every order over $75 you place in September, we'll deliver a dozen free eggs to the food bank!

Sweet & Spicy Barbecue Sauce (Recipe)

If you enjoy barbecue sauce but don’t like the typical preservative-filled ingredient list on bottled sauce, you’re going to love the simple ingredients and amazing flavor in this homemade version. It is the perfect finish for last week's Mouthwatering Spare Ribs recipe, as well as meatballs, burgers or meatloaf!

Mouthwatering Pork Spare Ribs (Recipe)

With this week’s beautiful sunny days giving life to the garden and hope to the heart, the cravings for summer favorites grow stronger. For a little scent of summer to come, this week we share with you our favorite recipe for pork spare ribs.

Farmstead Ricotta - The fresh taste of Spring!

Spring has arrived, which means our friends at Mystery Bay Farm on Marrowstone are making their delicious Farmstead Ricotta Cheese. This is a seasonal specialty, only available in the early days of Spring, and usually only available direct from the hands of the farmer.

Your Food Dollars Hard At Work

By eating, you are actively participating in agriculture. So eat with confidence! Your food dollars are contributing to a resilient food system in a big way. And you might not know just how big. Our world is full of competing priorities, confusing messages, and overwhelming choices. Some of our problems are so massive, especially in the realm of agriculture, that it's hard to know how to even begin making a difference.

The best LOW-MESS way to decorate Easter Eggs!

Growing up, we always had a small flock of hens to provide our eggs. It seems special to have brown eggs, unless you're a kid at Easter and all the advertisements show pretty pastel dyed eggs in the Easter baskets. You just can't make spring green, sky blue, baby pink, or sunshine yellow out of a brown egg. We used to beg our mother to buy store eggs for Easter.

Over The Rainbow

One of our most frequently asked questions is some form of “why are you farming?” It’s a great question with many difficult to articulate and interwoven answers! But on this St. Patrick’s Day it seems a fitting time to share one of my all-time favorite photos and, with it, my over-the-rainbow story.

Favorite Quiche with Tips & Variations (Recipe)

Quiche makes a lovely Sunday brunch addition, but we prefer it for dinner as a hearty main course. It is also endlessly adaptable to fit the season and whatever you have in your fridge! Here is our favorite basic recipe plus some tips and tricks to make it your family's new favorite meal.

Delicious, Nutritious, Beautiful Eggs

What's up with the different egg colors? Do the mahogany eggs taste better? Do the blue/green celadon eggs have more nutritional quality? Farm fresh eggs are superior to commercial eggs, in both taste and quality, but it's not the shell color.

Savory Sides & Sweet Treats

It's hard work to cook everything from scratch. Honestly, sometimes I really just want to open a can of something for dinner. Really, really want to! But then I look at the label. Or I long for a store-bought dessert and then am regretful when the preservatives don't settle well and the experience is ruined. Thankfully there's help!

The Paths We Follow

Each year I am grateful as the Winter Solstice arrives, ushering in the slow but steady return of longer days. It adds to the feeling of hope as the preparations for Christmas and the New Year are in their fullness of expectation.