Your Food Dollars Hard At Work
posted on
April 7, 2021
By eating, you are actively participating in agriculture.
So eat with confidence! Your food dollars are contributing to a resilient food system in a big way. And you might not know just how big.
Our world is full of competing priorities, confusing messages, and overwhelming choices. Some of our problems are so massive, especially in the realm of agriculture, that it's hard to know how to even begin making a difference.
But in the midst of this cacophony, feel confident! Your food choices make you an active participant in a resilient local food system, because every dollar you spend with One Straw Ranch directly supports MANY local farm businesses.
As you can see in the photo, Farmhand Eli is an expert ratchet strap holder. It’s so much fun to pull on a rope! And it’s actually pretty helpful, when you’re tying down a load, to have someone helping fight the forces of gravity. Now Eli is training Farmhand Vera in the skilled art of being a strap counterweight! Our trips to Mr. Adolphsen's Farm to pick up his Sequim-grown grain are a fun outing for the Farmhands, but also a tangible reminder that you have chosen us as stewards of your food dollar.
We could source a less expensive pre-mixed feed for the pigs and chickens, and doing so would also save us a fair amount of time, but we believe it is more important, in fact vital, to support other local farms. We cannot successfully produce good food alone. And the grain growers are only one of the many local businesses that make our healthy, delicious meat possible.
Your favorite burger or scrumptious pan of fried bacon was made possible by a whole network of local farms and farm businesses whom you actively support with every bite! The Chimacum pig breeder who farrows our amazingly robust weaner pigs, the local small scale grain growers carefully tending their land, and the local farm supply stores, slaughter services, butcher shops, farm-knowledgeable accountants and machinery repair shops are all indispensable parts of growing Honestly Good Food. These businesses employ local folks and provide essential services not only to farm businesses like ours but also to homesteaders and backyard producers.
Strength is not found in one farm, but in a network of consumers, farmers and farm businesses working together.