New Customer Referral Bonus Program
posted on
November 6, 2023

Introducing our new
Customer Referral Bonus Program
Every time someone signs up for an account using your unique Referral Link, you get $10 in store credit when they place their first order.
And your friend gets $10 in store credit, too, to apply to their first order.
Win - Win
No limits - you can refer as many people as you want.
And it’s simple – all you have to do is email them your Referral link, found in your store Account.
They click on the link, create their NEW account, and place an order to earn you each $10.
Wondering where to find the referral code?
Not sure how to copy and paste a link into an email?
No worries!
If you need a little help to send your referral code, I’ve put together a tutorial, including photos of the process:
#1 Log in to your account on our website. Under the Account dropdown in the main menu, choose Referrals.

That takes you to this next screen where you'll see your unique referral link.

#2 Highlight your referral link.
#3 Right click with your mouse and then left click Copy from the menu.
#4 Open an email to send to your friend.

#5 Put your mouse in the body of the email and right click. Choose Paste from the menu.
#6 You should probably write your friend a nice note so they know what in the world this email is all about :)

When your friend receives your email, they click the link you sent them.
They'll be directed to create an account on our webstore.
In order for you to both receive your credits, they MUST use this link to create their account.
When your friend places their first order, their $10 credit will be applied automatically to the total due.
After your friend completes their first order (including paying for any balance due), you will receive your $10 store credit.
You can see your credit here:

The next time you place an order, your credit will automatically be applied to the total.
And that's it!
We SO appreciate the support you give us, both with your orders and your kind words.
Every time you use your food dollars at our farm, to support both an agricultural system you truly believe in as well as our family, we are full of gratitude.
And when you tell us the stories of what our farm-fresh food means to you, we are lifted up.
But there’s one thing you do that warms our hearts, if possible, even more.
That one thing is when you tell your friends about our farm.
When that happens, we know it’s really something special.
Because, honestly, what are the most common stories we tell our friends?
The bad ones, of course.
Because that’s what are human brains are designed to remember.
“Don’t shop there because of such and such…” or “I had the worst customer experience with X and I’m never going back…”
Usually it makes a good story, plus we want to save our friends from the same bad experiences we had.
But not in this case.
We know that you are going out of your way to tell your friends GOOD things about us.
And we know this because we always ask new customers how they found us, and often they say “My friend told me about you.”
Wow! Right to the heart.
It has always been our goal to say “Thank you” in an immediate and tangible way.
But sometimes we don’t even get a name to go with “my friend,” which makes it awfully hard to follow up.
Which is why we are so happy to introduce our Customer Referral Bonus Program.
We don’t want you to be an “unsung” farm hero any longer.
Truly, your referrals are a huge compliment to us.
We hope in this small way to say “Thank you!” for going out of your way to spread the word.
And you could very well be giving your friend a gift worth much more than the $.
Sometimes we all need a little extra push (or pull) to try something new.
And maybe the new customer bonus $ is just the carrot they need to get started.
So they can finally find the satisfaction you’ve found - of enjoying tasty food that’s grown in a way you feel good about supporting
That’s something we can all be grateful for.